Monday 24 May 2010

The Wonderful World of Kuala Lumpar

After a month on the beach we were ready for some urban adventure. Never one for strict and rigid plans when on the road we penciled in a week for KL and went from there. Several things happened to change this:

People make places what they are and Reza's continued presence was well worth investing some time in. The Hostel le village that we found was also full of interesting people and had an atmosphere that was very welcoming. Pirate DVDs, Art, and Music were liberally watered with free tea and water making this a place hard to leave.

Mine and Chantelle's taste buds make quite a lot of our decisions for us. When they are happy we are happy and in KL they were ecstatic. Rotti became our new staple and every back street offered an new gastro experience. It is a very multicultural place where Malay, Chinese and Indian cultures and food collide. The resulting food explosion is one to marvel and embrace.

The other thing making alot of decisions for every traveller is the budget. KL is very good to the budget. It invites it out to movies, shops and restaurants for practically no cost at all. Make no doubt that in KL you can live it up and still have some change.

There is one thing however that you don't really go out and do in KL in you care for your budget and that it drink. There is a very strong Muslim culture and they are not that keen for you to get your naughty hands on cheap beer. We had just spent a month indulging quite freely in Chang (until we found out first hand that it is basically poison), Tiger and Singha so some time off the beers was welcome. We also later found out that Whisky and Rum from the 7/11 was very affordable so when the desire arose we quenched it this way.

When we felt the need to put on tourist hats they was enough to satisfy also; waterfalls, the petronas, the worlds largest open air aviary, free swimming at the Hilton and some interesting jazz at the philharmonic. We also ventured to Molakka for some famous Satay and I shook the prime ministers hand. A 4 hour bus ride to us to the Cameron Highland for stunning tea plantations, learning the blow pipe with local tribes, and the 2 hour trek searching for Rafflesia (the worlds largest flower).

But I guess the main reason we stayed so long was that I got an acting job. I saw a poster and basically got in on the colour of my skin, my gender and my exquisite accent. I was to become a POW in a 6 part documentary/drama called Burgess. It was called 'akinabalu' which means people of the mountain. I had been caught stealing rations and spent the entire time in a cage festering in my own excretions and pain. I died, had a funeral, got beaten, begged for water, and screamed in agony throughout my 6 days on set and had an amazing time.

We left KL for Siem Reep Cambodia shortly after filming finished. And as they say in the industry
is a wrap.

Joseph Davies 07/05/10


  1. Yes......Chang is most definitely poison. You should have drunk that the night before going on set and writhed in pain and wallowed in your own excrement for real........

  2. What you say is true but I was only just getting to grips with method acting on my final fews days on set. Next time I have to spend several months in a cage and need to emulate suffering I shall reach for the Chang.
