Tuesday 9 February 2010

Weigh less without a diet and feel great!

Mass is constant throughout the universe. It never changes. Weight however is dependent on gravity. Due to Earth's constant gravitational force your weight will remain the same when on this planet. Witihin Earth there are many small worlds and they can affect our perception of not only our own weight but also the weight of the things that we possess. 

One of these worlds is that of the Meshopolis. This is a world that is purely of human conception and creation. Although superficially beautiful, beneath the metallic air conditioned exterior is darkness and corruption. The beings that rule the Meshopolis thrive on followers of fake and material dreams. The role of the media and advertising should never be underestimated in selling these dreams to you but there is another power at work. One that you should be aware of. 

The conglomerates and huge consumer corporations have turned all big cities into places with low material gravity or in some extreme cases anti-material gravity zones. Creating a shopping paradox where the less material items you own the heavier you feel. This feeling is not a physical weight but a psychological one. The heaviness you feel will be expressed in the form of low self esteem and low self worth. 

There is only one way to shift this oppressive force. Shop, shop, SHOP. Buy, buy, BUY. Relief and comfort only to be found in the purchase and inside the shopping centres. The streets of any Meshopolis are noisy, dirty, smelly and have a humid heat that washes these urban ingredients into your being. A convenient contrast for consumerism is that shopping malls are clean, scented, and have an air conditioned climate that washes away the oppressive urban filth. 

After taking refuge you will find yourself making excuses to buy something or seeking out situations where it is absolutely essential to have new things:

You love music and buy tickets to special price jazz happy hour at the philharmonic. The dress code however is strict. There is no one way you could go without buying some new shoes as yours are three years old. You find some shoes you love in the sale (100 Euros instead of 200!). This solution actually creates a new problem - you are finding it hard to imagine a pair of trousers that you own that match the new shoes. This dilemma is quickly solved as your brain is particularly sharp today and you have just discovered that you could spend the 100 or more Euros you just "saved" on those shoes and the promotional ticket price on the new trousers that you now realise you could not possible go without. 

I'm sure you can easily conjure several of these moments in your own experience. The important point is to see how easily a cheap concert ticket can lead to over 200 Euros worth of bank damage. The joy that is tangible from retail therapy (a term created no doubt to inspire such spending) is obviously only temporary. These Meshopolises are ravenous insatiable beasts that require constant feeding through spending.The positive feelings come from a temporary displacement in the gravitational field. 

There is a more permanent relief available. This relief has existed for much longer than cities, technology or humans. This relief is called nature. If you spend any time in the country, on an island, by the sea or in the jungle you will feel the real weight of the possessions that you own. Every belonging that you own begins to feel like a burden, the things you have that you don't need not only weigh down your backpack but also your soul and your self worth. As soon as you rid yourself of such unnecessary belongings it becomes clear that you have been deluded. Tricked out of something much more valuable and much more pure. Something of true worth and real depth. That something is nature and your place among it. In harmony and not in conflict. An appreciation of self worth outside that of the fake and unnecessary. The absurdities of shallow desires become clear and are replaced with the simple understanding that the things of real worth are free - Love, friendship, self esteem, the beauty of the world. 

So beware and be warned. Gravity although constant and often reassuring  can be used to trick you. Although the material can not always be avoided make sure there is a real reason behind the purchase and you are not just being deceived by the Meshopolis monster. Try to see the true weight of what you own and see the true worth of friendship and the natural world in which you exist. Spend less time with these material desires and in the shops and more time with your friends, with your hobbies and with nature. 

Weigh less without a diet and feel great. Don't thank me, congratulate yourself on having the strength to resist the forces of the media and the contorted physical worlds and deceptions that exist in every town. 

And remember - 

Always look on the light side of life. 



  1. And for your concert shoes to be produced, vast amounts of rain forest was cut down to grow cattle for the leather, and the soy to feed them, and they were then put together by people who should be growing food for their own survival rather than the $1 a day they earn in the hope of getting to a position whereby they can consume as much as we do. Yey for capitalism. Thanks for letting me stand on your soapbox for a mo, you can get back up now. Tx

  2. Taraq you are welcome on my soap box any day and while we are on the subject of soap boxes have you made any lately? How is that and life going? Love to you and H xx
